Today was strange. I listened to "Don't Let The Old Man In" ....most likely, too many times.
It strikes a chord with me all the way to my soul. It made me realize I had to go back to where my own darkness had me on the ropes.
I went back to the infusion center at the Winter Park Hospital. I had to feel it again.
I parked in the same location where I prepared to face and fight my own demons, only a few months ago. As I started the two block walk to the hospital, I knew what I had to listen to,... Toby.
As the lyrics filled my ears, the tears started to fall. The visions of how I felt making this same walk a few months ago and thoughts of Toby's recent battle has hit me hard. I cannot explain it. It just did.
As I entered the hospital wearing my full Superman shirt, my eyes were full of tears by then.
I walked straight to the elevator and pushed floor 3 for the infusion room. It was like I was outside of my body and looking down on myself.
I got out of the elevator and could see the door marked "Infusion Patients Only". I opened the door.
I saw many people fighting their own battles and they all had that deep empty look in their eyes. That look that says, "am I going to survive". It is a sad look to have, and a sad look to see in another human being. It hurt my heart.
As I turned my head towards the Nurse's Station, I noticed a familiar beautiful face of someone that gave me hope in my time of despair. It was one of the Nurses that I got to know.
She glance once, then back again and then smiled and ran towards me. Julie and I hugged. She was excited to see me again, and asked all about me. She warmed my heart then and she warmed it today.
Julie said several of the other Nurses had left the Infusion Room, but she would let them all know I came by to thank them.....and to give them a little gift I brought for them.
I brought five Superman stainless steel drinking/workout bottles. Each bottle had the Superman logo on them. It was to show my appreciation for the above and beyond work that these Nurses do. They inspired me to fight with all I had, and they always did it with a smile.
All the Nurses had called me Superman.
She wanted a picture to send to all the other Nurses, with her and Superman.🙂
My eyes were leaking badly by now.
These are the Nurses that somehow knew when I was admitted to the ER and was staying on another floor. During my fight, and came twice to check on me. When I was curled up in the fetal position wondering about it all....the door opened and in popped these Nurses that were just checking on me. It made a difference in my fight. Along with every person reading this, these Nurses gave me power on those very dark days when I was in my worst position of the fight.
After four or five hugs and a few pics, it was time to leave. As I walked back to my truck, my eyes were still wet, but my soul and heart were beaming with joy.
Toby Keith's song and lyrics brought me back here today and made me realize that we all must leave earth one day, and not to waste anymore time, and to always do what we love.
As I cranked up my truck and let out a big sigh, I said "thank you Jesus for everything and please tell Toby that his words touched the heart of an ole irrigation guy in Florida".
I bet that made him smile as he took a drink out of his red solo cup! 🙂
What a day and what a remarkable life I get a chance to live!
Thank you Jesus! 🙏🙏
Jonny Irrigation Rock On Simpkins 😃

Sorry meant to say: Now that is the Jon I like to see.
Larry Barnes
Nor that’s the Jon I like to see.
Larry Barnes