On this very special day, someone very special wanted to run with me on his Birthday. I could not turn him down! 🙂
I gave myself a fantabulous Christmas present... a nice 8 mile run with God himself.
We talked, we laughed, and we cried a little. It was soul refreshing to run with such a light of love.
He actually said, "I run with you every time, just sometimes you don't see me."
I think he got a tad testy when I told him he was cheating riding on that fluffy cloud while I huffed and puffed on foot.
(Jeeesh, I sure hope he knew I was joking) 😃
Now that was a good strong run with some great company, on such a special day.
Merry Christmas, you beautiful people. I'm not the only one that loves you. Just look for him....and he is there!
