Oh boy! Could not take it anymore. I had to have my good friend David Cooper run me to the hospital last night. The pain could not be tolerated any longer.
My Doc said go to ER, so I listened. I got my best night sleep in months. Completely pain free. The morphine hit hard and fast. In three minutes I was in a galaxy far far away. Thank God for this drug!
I am here now and they are giving me fluids and gonna run blood and a few tests. I'm ok now, but it got very very scary yesterday evening. Thank goodness a good friend was near.
Anyhoo, I'm still in the fight, it ain't pretty, but then again...... I never thought it would be.
I am going to rest more now. Thanks for the awesome love you all have shown.
God Bless🙏🙏😊❤️
My husband wanted to say that when treating patients with this same condition, he would Rx liquid morphine to help with the pain. It goes right down the feeding tube. It will help you get over the finish line that you are so close to. Ask your Dr to Rx this for you so you might have some relief on a regular basis until your treatments are done. Lorris
Stay strong and listen to the doctors. Pain meds are needed to manage pain! Was on Fentanyl and Morphine for a while just to make it easier to fight the big C. Stay positive ✨️
hey jonnie. you are strong, and it is just part of the process.
this will all be just a distant memory, as you take a long needed vacation!!!
feel better and we are all praying for you!
Thank goodness for pain free night and sleep.....just what you needed! And good friends.....Makes me happy to know you got some relief....hang in there Jon!!!