Ladies and Germs, I have just received the results from my biopsy from yesterday. It came in a little bit ago, and I am stoked like no other time in my life!
All 4 biopsy areas have come back BENIGN!!
Praise Glory To God for hitting the devil with a 2x4 and holding him back, thus allowing me to go head to head with him and declare victory over him and his evil disease.
I have not talked to any doctors yet, as that is Tuesday morning, but the word BENIGN is exactly what I needed to read!!
What does this mean for me, you ask?? EVERYTHING!!
It means God intervened and heard my/your prayers and said, "Who is this Jonny guy, and why do many people pray to me his name? I better see what is going on here. 😊"
I get a chance to live again!!
I get to go on my much needed vacation on July 15th!!
It means prayers, love and hope can sure pull you through in some tough times. (All of these make the devil very uncomfortable)
I can't sit still now. I gotta go run now. Run with a joy I have never really felt before.
This is so incredible that our Creator gave me what it takes to earn Victory....again!
To God be all the Glory!!
Jonny, the happiest guy ever! 😃
