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  • Writer's pictureJonny Jpeg

Here we goooo...again! 8.27.24 Surgery

Less than 24 hours, I will be in the hands of God and the skilled surgeons.

I will be having 3 nodules removed in and beside my lung. It will be a big surgery.

I will not lie....I am scared on this one. I am scared that I will not wake back up.

I can only pray and make my last preparations, as it gets closer. It is taking over my head.

If my fears ever come true, just know I have lived a fun filled, glorious time here on this ball of dirt. I have minimal regrets, and I have enjoyed every minute I was given. It has been a pleasure to get to know all you lovely people. 🙃

In 24 hours from now......

.......I will be in Gods hands, and I hope I am worthy to return. I hope the results will be good and allow me many more years to frolic on this beautiful planet! 🙂

May God Bless us all. 🙏🙏🙏

As my Superman Brother said as he neared meeting our Creator.....he said "Live...Live...Live!

Jonny, the life lover!

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