Hallelujah!! Thank you sweet baby Jesus!🙏🙏 🙏 I have finally turned the corner!! I am so freakin' happy right now. I was finally able to eat a small plate of food, even though my throat is very raw and hard to swallow, plus I can't taste a thing.
I am still very weak and cannot stand up more than a few minutes, but I'm finally eating by mouth. Thank the Lord.
This journey has been very long and tiring. Full of emotions, dealing with internal demons and long private talks with God. I did not think I could make that last 500 yards, but all of you and the power of Faith has helped me find the strength to keep going.
I am not the man I was before this journey. My soul, my mind, my body and my spirit have all changed. My desires and dreams have all been altered. I am a new man indeed.
I must slowly get my strength back. My weight is up 2 pounds from 156.2 to 158.2. I need around 15 pounds back to be somewhat normal again.
I will forwarn each and every one of you that prayed for me, helped finacially and gave me words of encouragement.....when I do see you a handshake will not do. You are getting a long embracing hug from me and my soul, thanking you for helping me win the war over satan and his evil disease. I will be like Liam Neeson and I will find you! 😊
I do not think I ever took a picture of a plate of food, but today, my 61st Birthday, I was finally able to eat a plate of food. It is far more special than any gift or cake, as it symbolizes victory to me in a fight that was very dark near the end. I think our Creator, God Almighty for having pity on my soul and granting me what I hope to be a clean clear victory over satan and his evil. It really was out of my hands. I am truly a lucky little human.
Right now I'm going to netflix something and relax. Recovery needs to be nice and easy.
Thanks everyone for everything. You have made me really see that my fellow humans are compassionate and caring.
I truly love you all! 🙏🙏🙏
The best news ever Jon! Eat Ice cream!! Lots of dense and nutritious calories,....and stop stressing about pounds.....you will regain your weight.....I am so overjoyed to hear your news today and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!
congratulations on your birthday meal!! in the words of Jackie Gleason "how sweet it is!!"