I believe God spoke to me today. He said that you will face very strong challenges from the devil....
I said, "I'm ready"
God said, he will try to break you, bend you and possess you.....
I said " not a chance"
God said, he will try to create lust, greed, envy to win you over.....
I said " ha, that's old news, he as always tried those things and lost and they won't get me now at 62"
God said, the devil likes darkness because it helps hide his intentions. He has placed you into his darkness, can you see me?
I said, "I can see you in darkness, in light, with my eyes closed and with them open. I can see you in good times as well as bad. There is no demon, no person, no darkness that will ever prevent me from seeing you. You are life itself"
God said, then why do you cry so much in the darkness?
I said, " I cry because the devil has the ability to end my time here on earth, and that would stop me from experiencing more of this beautiful earth and all these beautiful people that you created. Leaving earth early, when I haven't seen all you have done....makes me sad"
God said, you make me smile Jonnyjpeg, you make me proud. I'm watching you and I am beside you. I particularly like it when you fight back against the devil all while knowing the power he has on earth. It makes me smile to know you see eternity way more important than your earth years. I control where you spend eternity and the fact you believe that, brings me happiness.
I said, " God, I would be a dummy if I did not see what you have done for me in my life. The fact that I have committed serious sins over my lifetime and you still send me signals every day that can only be performed by you.....your signals all have love, hope and happiness in them, even in the darkness. I'm glad I make you smile and I wanna see you in person.....but I hope you can help put off that meeting for 10 or 20 years" 🙂
God said, you are a liitle bit of a freak of nature, but I love you still and you amuse me and yet amaze me that the devil cannot break you. You make me proud! Well, mr Jpeg, I must go now. Hang tough and I will be close by always. Rock on.
I said, thank you for the love.
Ha, the funny thing is, at the end of our coversation, God said "Rock on". Imagine that. I am so fired up after talking with God, I can hardly contain myself!! I shall gain my strength and recover this week so I can punch the devil harder and with more power next week. God gives me that power and for which I am so grateful for.
Have a great Sunday, you wonderful people.
Jonny, the guy that hopes to keep God smiling