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  • Writer's pictureJonny Jpeg

Today's jog was extra special.

I know things are happening just outside of what we can actually see.

I just did a soul fulfilling 4 Mile slow jog. The fresh cut grass smelled different...smelled extra wonderful. I breathed in that awesome fragrance.

A big beautiful Hawk landed in a yard close to me and looked me in the eye as if to say "fight it like a warrior".

I saw squirrels up close eating acorns and they did not run. Looking at me while clutching their dinner. Beautiful.

I heard blackbirds above telling me something over and over....that I can only wish to understand.

Two very angry big Dobermans live inside a fence that I run by often. They are very scary and must have be trained to attack anyone they can, especially if someone gets inside the fence. Everytime I jog by, they almost tear the fence down. Showing big sharp teeth that want to sink into some human flesh. These guys always do this....except for today.

As I approached this fence, I could see the huge dogs close by. I anticipated the "attack". I have my eyes on them as I ran by just a few feet away....and they just looked at me. No bark. No one controlling them. Nothing any different than the many times before....but they just looked at me and then gently laid down in the grass and looked peaceful like I could pet them. I was dumbfounded.

Call it what you may, but something is out there way more powerful than mere man. Something is there for the asking. Something is there and is full of pure Love.

Wherever pure 100% love exists.....hate and evil cannot survive. Love destroys it. It is really not that hard to comprehend.

It is not the Dobermans fault that their master trained them with hate, but for this one single moment I ran by, the Dobermans felt different. They knew I was not a threat at all. There hearts were calmed.

Think what you may, but tomorrow is my first surgery. To me, this was a sign from our Creator telling me "relax, I got this"

Life is awesome!

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