Life is so very awesome right now. I feel good, I'm getting stronger and the memories of the darkness are starting to fade. I guess I will never totally forget them, but the less I relive them, the better off I am.
This is just a quick update to say I am getting better, weigh in at 172lbs now and my energy levels are climbing. I will have tests most likely for the rest of my life now, so those will be ongoing. The next ones are in two months. Hopefully, the evil has left my body and to never return. I will always pray for that, but nothing is guaranteed.
I just finished running my first double digit run since the darkness, a nice strong 10 miler!! My heart rate, respiration, lungs, legs and mind were all working (or shall I say "playing") together for this run.
A non runner may not understand how a run like this connects the soul to the mind, and then both of them get connected to the body. It is a refreshing feeling and I am so very grateful to God for being able to live this life once again.......and all of you for the strong support that helped me fight.
Quality Irrigation will be opening back up this Monday, after closing for our annual 2 week holiday vacation. We look forward to getting cranked back up to full speed next week.
I love you all and hope to get a hug as the "Great Hug Tour" is under way and should be in your area soon! 😃
God Bless us all,
Jon "Runner" Simpkins