Jonny 2 devil 0
Wahooooo...I got the PETSCAN back today and from what I can tell, my chances increased some!!! Wahooooo!
Now I can't understand most medical language, but it looks more positive than negative to me. I will know exactly on Monday with Doctor.
I took off and went to Tallahassee to visit my Mom and Tim yesterday. It was a very emotional visit. I miss these two incredible people so much.
I went for a 5k run on the St Marks Trail yesterday in Tally. 20 years ago was the last time I ran on it when I set my PR in the Half Marathon at 1:35:46. That was a beautiful day...a long time ago.
Tally is such a beautiful town with some really special people. I remember 20 years ago like it was yesterday.
I camped in two great spots with no one anywhere near me. I visited Royal Springs and just felt lucky to just be given another chance to fight off this evil and to hopefully irritate many more people for many more years...ha.😊
As of right now, PETSCAN good, blood tests good, Doctor appt on Monday to set up plan of attack. Could be surgery and radiation (no chemo) or it could be no surgery but both chemo and radiation. I guess Monday will get here soon enough.
I was so excited today, that I ran a 5k under 8 minute pace at 24:33. Now that was FUN! 😁
It is time to squeeze every second out of life until I can't no more!
Wahooooo... I'm feeling like the prayers from all of you are working. I still got a big fight ahead, but as long as I got arrows (your prayers) I'm gonna beat this thing black and blue!
Rock on you lovely freaks! 😊🙏🙏❤️
