Well Ladies and Germs, my results just came in for my recent CT Scan.
I could hardly have asked for a better one. There are no new nodules or anything suspicious!
It looks like God has granted me a little more time to pester all of you! 🤪
I am so excited that my hands are shaking as I write this. It has only been 20 minutes since these awesome results came in.
I am beaming ear to ear. I am praising Jesus for giving me another chance. I promise you, I will not come close to blowing it. I have often said, I am a blessed man, though I'm not sure why. I just think of myself as just a bite of a cheese sandwich. I do not fully understand the reason I have been spared again, but I really feel that I must seek to find the reason why so.
All the prayers that all of you have done, all the support and kind words, all of these things might have caused enough noise to reach my God in Heaven. He has touched my soul and is telling me that I have been given another chance for a reason and he will soon let me know what I am supposed to do now.
I'm ready dear God, just send me a small message, send me a hint and I will be on it like white on rice!
I can't write too much more because I cannot sit still much longer. 😊
Life is so precious and so beautiful. If I can give any advice, that would be to live like today is your last day on earth, love like it's the last time you will see that person and when you pray.....pray like you mean it. Put every ounce of your soul into your prayer. That is like looking up to Heaven with a giant megaphone at your lips. God likes hearing from your soul!
Believe me, all my prayers were from my soul. I shed many tears when I prayed for God to hear me and help me. I prayed with all I had. I honestly think he heard my prayers and he heard your prayers also.
I will never be out of the woods on this funk, but today moved me very close to the edge of the woods where I can see the beautiful sunlight in the beautiful clearing with the beautiful flowers. I can see Heaven today...... and it has taken my breath away. I have been blessed again today and though I do not know why I am worthy, but I sure am glad my God still loves me and never gave up on me.
My dear God, it is so beautiful and fulfilling, this feeling inside me!
Thank you to all my friends for caring, supporting, praying and helping me spiritually and financially! I am not sure I can ever thank all of you enough. I honestly think I would not be here today, without all of you!
May God Bless every single one of us!
Jonny, the lover of life and a very blessed and thankful man 🙏🙏🙏❤️😊