Life is slowly gaining back steam, but it is very slow.
My weight is holding at 165 right now and very slowly increasing....thank goodness. My taste is about 10% with very little improvement. My throat is still very raw and it is still hard to swallow, but I can eat real food....and that is a wonderful blessing.
The feeding tube has been removed
finally......thank you baby Jesus!! 🙏🙏🙏
My strength is very low still. I cannot run yet, though I did try a mile jog and that took way too much out of me. I think I need to wait a little longer before going back to the one single activity that brings my body total happiness. I do not want to mess up this late in the game!
Overall, I am a truly lucky man and I think God took pity on me. I never want to remember the many pains and misery of this terrible ordeal. I am just so glad at still having another chance to live some more.
It is still too early for me to work, as the sun and walking/standing take it out of me within an hour or so. I am still thinking mid to near end of October. Thanks to my #1 Man in the Field Carl, Fantastic Wendy in the office and my fabulous clients.....I still have a business to come back to. I am so very grateful.
I thank the one and only SuperNurse Susie for all of her support during this terrible ordeal. ❤️🙏
I have many tests in October that should tell me where I stand with this devil's disease. I can only pray now that Victory will be obtained.
Thank you all for your unwaivering support, prayers and donations. All of these were deeply needed and I am forever in your debt.
I do hope to start seeing some of you wonderful people starting this month. I so need the hugs! ❤️
God Bless You All! ❤️
Congratulations on a good fight, and the VICTORY !!! I'm sure the tests will show the true VICTORY against the devil !! Looking forward to seeing you !