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  • Writer's pictureJonny Jpeg

Update, Wednesday Oct 11, 2023

Well, things are moving ever so slowly in this recovery mode.

My throat is still very raw and my taste buds are at 20% or so. I cannot taste anything sweet yet. I am eating anything I can tolerate. Meatballs, eggs, grits, spaghetti and freshly grilled hamburgers are my favorites now! 😊 I am still dreaming about the thick Veggie Pizza at Uno's very soon. ❤️ I want to wait until I can fully taste it. that will be a time to celebrate! 🙏🙏

On Monday, I started working again. I get tired very easily and can't be in the heat too long. I'm finding that it helps me a lot mentally to be outside getting some jobs done.

I started jogging very slowly this week. I am finding that I have lost just about all of my speed and endurance. I never was fast, but it is all I can do now to turn a mile under 10 minutes! Wow, that is kinda depressing, but with my nose getting back to the grindstone, I should slowly come back....hopefully.

I had my first blood tests on Monday and my PSA numbers are not good. The PSA numbers are related to the prostate. I am praying when I see the Doc this Monday, he calms my fears. I truly believe it is in God's hands now. I hope he decides to give me another chance.

I have all the texts, messages and emails from everyone that sent me notes. I will be returning all of those shortly. I never would have imagined that so many of you cared about this strange little irrigation guy. I love each and every one of you that supported me with your prayers, finances and moral support. I would not be here today without you. 🙏🙏🙏

I am a changed man. A calmer man. A man that can enjoy even the littlest things. We are all in too much of a hurry trying to prepare for a destination of travel, retirement or chasing bling......all the while the journey is really where the gold and victory is found.

I am hoping to start seeing some of you this week and the weeks coming up. I will see my beautiful caring irrigation clients, my friendly and supportive running friends and Coaches, people I've come to know through Rock On Adventures and my long time motorcycle friends in FTR. Please excuse me if when I see you that tears form in my eyes.......and these will be tears of happiness.

I still have a battle ahead, but I do hope the worst is forever behind me. I cannot wait to drive all over this great Country again and be in the open spaces. I have been dreaming non stop for another trip......and thanks for all of you pulling me through and giving me strength.....I just may get another chance!

I love every one of you beautiful people! You all have made a difference. Thank you!

God Bless Us All. 🙏🙏🙏🙏😊

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