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Update Saturday Sept 28, 2024

I have my camp set up for the night near Vidalia Georgia, in a nice big field near a store. All of Georgia up to this point, has no...

Update Friday, Sept 27, 2024

Update Friday Sept 27, 2024 Well, things are moving along.  I just finished the first 5 day chemo infusion via a pump attached to my...

Update Tuesday, 9.24.24

Well, my first (second round) of chemo was started yesterday, but I was surprised when I arrived at the infusion center at the hospital....

Thursday 9.19.24

New chemo port in. My mental being is almost ready. First chemo is Monday morning.   I so want to live fully again.  I want to travel...

Update Thursday evening, 9.12.24

The lung surgery went well. Lung doc is happy and thinks he got all of the nodules completely out. But the bad can**r cells are in my...

Happy Beautiful Sunday! 9.8.24

Today I'm  alive Tomorrow I may not be. The sun is going to shine the way it so incredibly does with its awesome golden rays. Today I'm...

Update, Sept 6, 2024

Hello my dear good friends! A lot has happened since my last full update. This is a fast summary, for now.  I will need a longer time to...


I made it! I'm awake and recovering with SuperNurse. Thank you, my God. 🙏🙏🙏 More later... thank you all. Much love.❤️❤️❤️

Here we goooo...again! 8.27.24 Surgery

Less than 24 hours, I will be in the hands of God and the skilled surgeons. I will be having 3 nodules removed in and beside my lung. It...

Oh Boy! Update 8.20 24

Oh Boy! Update 8.20.24 Well, my dear friends, I have sad news. I just left the hospital after talking with my lung surgeon. Here it is....

Update 8.19.24

Well, results are in on the latest petscan. Here is a quick update. I will post more later.  The results were not very good.  Please see...

Just talked to Doc.....August 9, 2024

Well, laa dee da. Just talked to the doctor. After all the blood tests, the 2 biopsies that came back benign, the special virus blood...

Tests results are in....Update August 5th, 2024

Hello my beautiful friends! All blood tests are back just now. Not good news. I have a 95% chance the things that glowed inside me are...

Here we go again.....7.20.24

One year ago. So much has happened in one year. So many uphills and so many valleys. My battle still continues.  I have felt victory many...

A whirlwind of a holiday weekend! 7.7.24

Holy Moly! Race #1 - July 4th, the Dunedin Midnight Run 10k and won my age group!  Wahoo. Race #2 - July 5th, Get Nothing 5K in Jax.  1st...

Awaiting the news. 7.3.24

Sometime in the next 48 hours, possibly my fate will be determined, or at the minimal, a fight of great proportions. I just left the...

I'm nervous again. 7.2.24

I have so many happy moments, then I get hit back to low moments. Tomorrow at 6:30am, I am scheduled for another biopsy of areas that...

Oh boy.....I am a little bummed. 6.27.24

I got a phone call this morning that has pushed me back into the darkness. My results of my last biopsy, even though they were...

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